fishing for images
11 min 28, HD, (p) 2020/21
In den ersten Wochen vom Lockdown im April 2020
ging ich auf Bilderfang. Ich tauchte die Kamera ins Wasser,
ohne ein bestimmtes Ergebnis anzustreben,
und verband mich dabei mit den Elementen, die mich umgaben.
„What I am missing most during this lockdown is the touch of another person.
I am going for dogs. Even just letting them sniff on my hand gives me a pleasant feeling.
It is a proof of existence, maybe. The sensory deprivation heightens my sensitivity.There was a moment when I felt very lost.
Going for a swim gives me a grounding feeling in this time,
to sense my skin, feeling enveloped by the water
which carries me and takes care of me.
I connect with water. My body is 70% water.
It is not so difficult to connect with another person through the water.
Feeling welcome in the presence of another person.
How can you feel welcome in the presence of another person
who is afraid of you?During the lockdown I started to go to the water which is nearest my house.
I go fishing for images. Fishing for images is not shooting or capturing images.
Fishing for images means you don ́t know
the image you get.
You will be surprised and you might discover things you did not know before.How does my body connect to the image it does not know yet?
I do not sense the image, I sense the moment.
This is not about creating images. This is about feeling connected.
Because every image already exists.I close my eyes and my sensory inner landscape expands.
How can I take this sensory richness into the world
I perceive with open eyes?
How is the interpretation of whatI see interfering with my sensation?
How do I sense what I see without making sense of it?How do I make sense of my senses?
Where do I feel the images that enter my eyes?
Where do I sense what I hear?
I am one, connected with everything by sensing.
The thoughts and the differentiations
are that which draws borders and boundaries.
And my inner waters are splashing up against these boundaries,
sensing the limitations of my perception.“