The Heritage Series
Weekly changing constellations of objects and images
in the former department store window Donau Ecke Ganghofer in Berlin, Neukölln,
between November 2011 and April 2012.
Working on “heritage” in the sense of the emotional, material and cultural baggage my ancestors left me, I altered and assembled found and inherited objects.
Cleaning the marble floor of ancient glue stains.
Painting the sky on my old wooden slippers.
Recycling old images, wondering why and when an image feels “right”.
Discovering that happens when they resonate like i have seen them before.
I observed, interpreted and re-arranged.
To question the orders I found or chose, I invited others, such as the open sound and movement improvisation group “Improviloge” to play in and with my installation.
Parallely, I documented and reflected the weekly changes in words and photgraphically and published them in a blog.
For the closing event, I wrote possible titles for constellations of works on transparent sheets that the public could hang wherever they wanted.
In 2012, a printed documentation was published, including catalogue texts that I gathered in talks with coincidental passer-bys on the street in front of the window.